
My Mornings start with diatea
February 14, 2019

I take diatea without sugar or milk. It is refreshing than any other drink

It make me relax
January 1, 2018

I am 48 years old and I tried taking diatea a couple of months back. I am addicted to it as it refresh my senses and body.

I reduced my Amaryl tablet to half
April 19, 2017

I used to take 2 tablets of amaryl, one in the morning and one in evening. After havind this tea for 40 days and checking my sugar levels I have cut short to half tablet in morning and half at night.

Great herbal Tea
May 23, 2016

This is the first time having diatea and is wonderful.

FBS reduced by 30 points
November 30, 2015

Fasting Blood sugar is reduced to 102 from 132 after two months use of diatea. I take 3 cups a day

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